
I am 25-year-old woman born, raised and currently living in Denmark. I've been politically active since I was 16, including fighting for LGBT causes. However, I did not feel confident enough to come out as bisexual until I was 22.

In real life, I am trying to get my MA so I can teach English and History, while also struggling with depression.

I decided to start this blog because, while I love the bi community on tumblr, I know there's a whole world of bi bloggers in the more conventional blogging sites, and I want to be part of that too.

I try to keep mindful of my privilege and would like for others to do the same. However, I know I am not infallible. So basically: if I'm being an asshat, feel free to call me out on it.

I can be reached in comments here, at defiantlybi@gmail.com or on tumblr.

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