28 January 2013

Kreayshawn and Azealia Banks - a mini study of media and bisexual women

The meat of this post was originally posted to my tumblr in response to a post by bisexualftw in which they said:

I don’t like how @autostraddle / @kcdanger used Kreayshawn’s GQ interview to rhapsodise about sexuality.
When someone mentions being bi it’s not an invitation to philosophise. I’m not an expert in these things, but it feels like derailing to me.
God, it’s so exhausting when every mention of nonmonosexuality becomes a conversation *about* nonmonosexuality.
I might try writing some ‘what if people blogged about gays the way they blog about us’ spoofs.
link via @bisexcellent

This caused me to look at the Autostraddle article in question, another article by the same author about Azealia Banks, as well as the articles those were based on.

25 January 2013

First post

Starting this blogging business by posting some of my older tumblr posts on bisexuality, just so it's not just empty space here. Will do a proper introduction at some point.